when one of my college friends (who is another tintin so let's call her by her other nickname, puds, to distingished her from the 5 other tintin's in my life) came home briefly to naga, we traded stories about tv shows we watched when we're not busy looking for a job (we were both unemployed during that time). puds is a huge movie buff and i'm not. i was embarassed to admit that the last movie i watched was the Ring; and it was not until jade dragged me and my brother to edsa shangri-la to watch one of the movies showing in the 2007 japanese film festival that i managed to step inside a movie theater again. i was feeling low at that time because my mom just passed away from breast cancer just a few months ago. but by some twisted fate the movie that we watched (inochi) was about a guy who died of lung cancer. after that i never entered another movie theater again until my brother and i got dragged by my cheatmates at the PHP & MYSQL class i attended in UP diliman to watching Kung Fu Panda. it was hilarious. it was the only time i've gone into a movie theater in 2008. oh wait, that's not true, my sister dragged me (yeah i got dragged a lot) into watching madagascar 2 which was not as funny as the first. i wished we watched daniel craig instead in james bond's quantum of solace. he's hot.
during my two months of unencumbered tv bliss, i watched a lot of geeky shows from discovery channel and national geographic. (geeky shows abound!) i didn't think i'd enjoy animal planet but i did so i watched that too and several other channels about food. so maybe that's where all my excess weight came from.
there are so many shows to choose from but i had a lot of time on my hands then. first off let's start with one of my all time favorite, Don't Tell My Mother. it's hosted by diego buñuel. he's very witty, funny, persistent and his sarcasm will make you grin. i think at one episode i heard him say he was french.
he's been to some hostile countries like afghanistan, congo and the holy land. the most menorable episode for me is the don't tell my mother i'm in North Korea. after watching this episode i remember thinking that if that's how communism is, i hope to god this country i live in never end up in the hands of the reds. i know my country has some flaws like any other place in the world but after watching this show, it made me feel better i live here. duh... who would've ever thought i'd still feel that way considering the fertilizer scam etc.
from tour guides to the ordinary people who were interviewed they sometimes sound like robots with their ready answers. it's obvious they have memorised and rehearsed them a lot of times. it's unbelievable, i thought this things are only the stuff of movies. one memorable scene was the visit to the ostrich farm where he asked his guides about gays and aids in korea. the first one isn't legal and the second is non existent in that country. one of his guides on the farm had a very funny expression on his face when diego was describing what a gay or a bisexual man or woman is. in the end you can hear him say, who would have thought you could earn so much by just feeding ostrich?
i've seen other shows featuring the north and you would find most journalists mention that the north is trying to cover up a lot of stuff. you would find buildings with beautifully painted facades but if you go inside them or look at them from you hotel room window, the insides are very different.

memorable episode for me was when corey was water skiing and being towed by a cruise ship. but most of the dangerous stunts are performed by their dummy, buster. one more thing they like to do in this show is blow things up from water heater to real explosives. the results from the experiments and tests they made on the show are documented at mythbusters results.
there are shows you never get tired of watching and this is one of them. they discover how the ordinary and usual things we use are made of and how. they like to blow things up too and jonny is known to even take them apart just to find out what the inside looks like.

it's like watching baywatch but only better. after all this is the real thing. real lifeguards. real rescues and real drowning people. i don't really have to say that some of the lifeguards are hot. drowning is no fun but i wouldn't mind being rescued by one of these guys. they've also got some real amusing names. hmm... if i start matching the names to the faces, i have to stop. it's too much.
if i enumerate all my favorite shows, this will even be longer. there is a cool new show hosted by emmauel belliveau, world's greenest homes. i hate bugs but after watching the episode about butterflies in bugging with ruud i became a convert of that show (but i still hate bugs). i also watch jeff corwin's show because it can be fun expecially when he's being chased by the very animals he's filming (and then you'd hear him say, the thing's i'd do for you guys). then there's extreme engineering with danny forster; monster moves which always amazes me and a bunch of other features like stephen hawking's theory of everything which made my nose bleed -but very cool anyway. then there was that feature on norway's fjords. it was amazing to know what can be found down there.
to cap this off, i'm posting my favorite promotional video ever. (i love the whole world and all it's craziness boom tiyaya boom tiyaya). i even downloaded it on my phone and it plays every time my sister calls me =_) it's so cool. i wish she would call all the time. i even have the lyrics down to a phat.