Monday, August 25, 2008
rainy days mondays always get me down
monday is heading down the drain and the rest of the week will probably end up in the toilet too. I came to work in a very warla mode. it's raining outside. it's cold and wet. i'm hungry, cold and wet. i have to wear slippers and it feels like my uterus is being twisted every few minutes or so. damn. i hate being girl at days like these. but the amazing aloha treat by jc perked me up a bit (*woot*woot*). thanks jc you're a life saver.
i can't really stomach another bad news but it seems that nearly everyone in my family is working towards winding up with one form of cancer or another. now i have to add the sun to my list of worries. bawal na maging nog-nog. say goodbye to my dream of being a beach bum. i now have to make sure i invest in sunblock. the upside is this type of cancer is slow growing but still it's still starts with a C. so sh*t (x8).
they said the road to hell is paved with good intentions. i filed for leave a couple of weeks ago hoping to get some quality time with my friends (read: picking my way through the collection of dvd movies at the gay brother house) before my hiatus but now it looks like i'm going to end up using those days biting my nails. some sense of humor you have God. You make it difficult to really really like You.
i arrived at the office feeling grumpy and ready to make war with any one dumb and stupid enough to get into my path. but it looks like kek is already on the warpath. sh*t. naunahan ako. which makes me wonder if nakakahawa na yun and now gays have it too? hmmm... nireregla ka ba kek?
"There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity."
-John Wolfgang Goethe
Sunday, August 24, 2008
GOU LE!!!!!!!! GOU LE!!!!!!!! GOU LE!!!!!!!! GOU LE!!!!!!!! GOU LE!!!!!!!!
"My pessimism extends to the point of even suspecting the sincerity of the pessimists."
Thursday, August 21, 2008
i got tagged
recently by pia and i think i remember another tag a long long time ago by jade. never got around to it until now so here it is. i am tagging my blogger friends especially the sunday conspiracy group. =_)
- each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
- bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
- at the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
- don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
0. i am a stone addict (180/218) . i ♥ thestone (intro: amy winehouse with rehab).
1. i have a foot fetish. (so imagine my grief when i stubbed my toe and the lower half of my toenail ugh... died. if stairs were a living, breathing thing, it would be screaming bloody murder or it wouldn't because i would have killed it by then).
2. a few days from now i'll be able to say, "i used to work for a webhosting company." (haha!) i will be officially unemployed in a few days. yes, i'm gonna be a bum! goodbye sunday conspiracy,
3. i ♥ black. i wear a lot of black. half of my wardrobe is black. i hate red.
4. i have an illusion i'm 5'3" but my cousin likes to point out i'm 5'1" (liar, inggitero!)
5. i'm an aries and i use it to explain why i "charge now and think later." (double pun intended).
6. i like to eat... a lot. just ask my frequent eating companions jade, jamie, gwen, and zai.
7. i studied mandarin for years but i'm still terrible at it.
8. i ♥ michael phelps and david beckham (although i can't swim or play football).
9. i am a compulsive book buyer. i spent more than 15 grand on books on one year alone (blechhh!) on the upside (?) hello powercard plus.
10. i like to tease pia until she gets pikon (hahaha! special mention at filler na din).
1. jade
2. love
3. gwen
4. eva
5. kek
6. popin
7. joewhatnow
8. jayvee
9. jc
10. jamie
Procrastination isn't the problem, it's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off.
- Ellen Degeneres
Monday, August 18, 2008
Herculean is OUT, Phelpsian is IN
the stars surely aligned themselves for michael phelps who now have his 8 golds. one word comes to mind, this guy is phenomenal. hmmm... 8 is really the lucky number for this Olympics. 08082008.
August 13: 4 x 200m Freestyle Relay

photos taken from the official website of the 2008 Beijing Olympics
i also watch tennis (my greatest frustration this year is not being able to watch the 2008 wimbledon finals between the williams sisters and nadal vs. federer - damn and double damn!), basketball, football and baseball ( but only at gunpoint ). read: the operative word being "watch."
the past week was spent browsing this website, or this website (but sometimes our IT department blocks access to this site, bummer!) and then this website.
china took the gold in artistic gymnastics team event. if you watched the event, they deserved it. the US team made more mistakes than china did. if i were to do any of the splits, twists and contortions these girls did, i will end up in an emergency room. then of course, there's the controversy about a couple of the girls' age on china's team being below the minimum required which is 16. just a thought, it would be such a bummer to have your period and then compete, no? ouch...

i've always wondered how synchronized diving is judged. anyway china got the gold for that too. their diving queen, Guo Jingjing, won four world championships (2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007) and she won another diving gold for china for this olympics.
but zai and i are really looking forward to the team event of synchronized swimming. i can't explain our morbid curiosity about this sport since we can't swim. i remember watching the event on tv during the athens olympics, those girls probably have gills hidden somewhere.
i'm still praying for a miracle that someone from pilipinas would take home a medal (i don't care if its a gold, a silver or a bronze) as long as it's genuine mind you. i want to see a number beside this country in the medal tally. please Lord.
"H2O: two parts Heart and one part Obsession." ~Author Unknown
"Never say never because never is a helluva long time."