Tuesday, October 23, 2007
There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. - Friedrich Nietzsche
it was enough to make me smile as i chomp on my meal. yum... anyway, my answer is "you don't." haha! after this few people might call me friend. but it was an interesting enough question that i'm willing to set aside an afternoon of puzzling out linya ng pagtatanong (go figure) and devote my overworked fingers into trying to make some sense out of this nonsense.
love, falling in love or thinking-you're-in-love is a tricky thing. if there is such thing as a warning to be given to those who think they are in love, it should be "therein lies madness. pursue at your own risk." more often than not, people who fall into the love-sick category are too hard-headed to listen. they don't see anything too clearly beyond what they see through their rose-colored lenses. or maybe deep inside they know but they can't help themselves. it's like a yosi addiction, you promised to stop at 1 stick a day but then it's in your blood. so you end up having two, then three and then a pack a day. then you end up in hospital getting chemotheraphy to cure you of your addiction. but seriously, you can't save them unless they wanted to be saved. to use an analogy, a life raft is of no use unless the drowning person actually makes a grab for it. duh!!!
falling in love is like getting drunk on a good wine. the more you imbibe of it, the greater the chance you won't be sitting behind the wheel. the more you drink of it, the greater the hangover, the worse the headache. because it tasted so good you keep taking one shot after another. before you know it your friends would be telling you, "lasing ka na." and you keep saying "no i'm not" and then laugh hysterically at such nonsense. take more shots... and finally you puke. but puking is never a guarantee you will not drink again, it just means that you'll be counting shots or bottles next time. same with love. getting your heart broken several times, doesn't stop it from beating (for someone) again.
anyway, let's say that you can't stand seeing your friend make a total ass of himself/herself over this S.O.E. you can't stand having your friend being the butt of everyone's joke. you tell your friend how inappropriate/mismatch/unhealthy (etc, etc) the relationship is; after all the guy or the girl is a two-timing, snake-tongued, sh*t-faced S.O.E. still you can only hope that your friend's brain is still logical enough to process that information and strong enough to make a clean break. the decision would still be up to your friend. you can only dispense an advice.
i studied in a chinese school. i never even realized that some chinese families don't embrace intermarriages openly until the later part of my highschool. the stories i've heard are just painfully heartbreaking. the length into which some of these families would actually go to to prevent that can be uhhh...shocking. really... telenovela kind of plot in the making. parents warning daughters/sons of being disinherited, etc etc. does that stop the young ones from following their hearts? in some cases it does douse the flame enough to get them to their senses; but for some of those who are brave enough (not to pay heed), crash and burn. better to have loved and lost than not at all, right? bullsh*t, but you tell me because i've never heard of anyone walk away from it intact.
i'm sure you've heard the you-and-me-against-the-world thing. it's the kind of relationship i hope never to encounter or experience. it makes those involved very fatalistic. it's like a runway train. some people in this kind of relationship are only willing to see one side. short of divine intervention, i'd say goodluck and God bless to anyone trying to stop this.
i've heard one father who has a daughter say that he stopped whining because that seemed to encouraged the relationship even more. if its doomed to fail, it will fail even without anyone's help. those in this type of relationship have seen too much cheesy movies or koreanonovelas and will try to do anything to make it work. it's painful to watch but it's your friend's life. you can't live it for them. if they're between 14 and 16, start praying. but if they're over 18, they're old enough to run their lives and hopefully know what's right from wrong; and wise enough to understand that some things are not just meant to be and to force it would do harm than good. if their families cannot even put a stop to it, i'm not sure if even you could. some people just needed to see some things through it's end, maybe your friend is one of them. you can't stop people form getting hurt, maybe you can stop a few from getting hurt some of the time but not all the time. there are some things they have to experience for themselves and this is one of those. of course it doesn't mean you can't nag, you can nag and nag some and then nag some more. but if you're told to shut, shut up. save your breath.
i know a guy who actually dated this girl who treated him like dirt for 2 friggin' years, witnessed their public arguments and the girl cursed him like a sailor. OMG. i wanted to tell the girl, "you kiss your mother with that mouth???" this guy just took it. everyone wondered how he put up with it. talk about being pussy-whipped (excuse me). he finally saw the light but i cannot understand how he managed to put up with such abuse.
to go back to the question, can you stop your friend from falling into the wrong sort of relationship? it's so easy to say yes. but how far has your friend fallen? if your friend is too 'blind' to see, then you have your work cut out for you. there are no definite answers. there is no such thing as ceteris paribus in this arena. so many market forces at work that you might as well try moving heaven closer to earth. some people just don't like to be told what to do. so let them figure it out for themselves. one can only sustain the fantasy of making it work for so long. it's inevitable, but one way or another reality will set in.
if the airport is the great equalizer in the amazing race, then love is the great equalizer among men. the wise become stupid and the stupid ahhh...never mind. they say there is no right or wrong when it comes to love. but i'd say it depends on what side you're on. if you're in, i'd say your judgment is impaired. if you're an uninterested third party, then you better wipe that sneer off you face.
they said that the head was placed above your shoulder to rule over your heart. let me tell you as well that the world is round and it has no point. haha! wait till you fall in love and tell me if you can feel your head at all.
Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see. - Rabbi Julius Gordon
Monday, October 22, 2007
the doctor is IN
so today my friend kb and i went to maxicare to get a referral. since it is my first time, i agreed to have a doctor there for a check up. but after waiting for more than 30 minutes for my name to be called, i decided to ask for a referral instead. my nerves can't stand the waiting and my stomach has been empty since last night. its almost 1 pm.
after getting our referrals, we went to makati med. i almost ask kb not to leave me alone. she had an appointment with an eent on the second floor. i left her at the eent clinic but not before she jokingly said "gagawin mo pa akong nanay." i don't really feel like going alone to meet my ob-gyne. but i've been putting it off for a long time and i just had to do it before i set my mind to leave this company for good.
since it was my first serious check up. she asked the usual questions about our family's breast cancer history. so i told her the story: my mom passed away due to breast cancer last may and my aunt (my father's sister) had a mastectomy about a few months ago. she asked when my mom was diagnosed and i said last year. she asked, "do i have a sister? " and i said yes. since i have history on both sides, she told me i should have a regular check up after this. my sister too. i didn't ask her how often "regular check up" meant.
she told me she found some small lumps. but to be sure what those are, i better get a breast ultrasound due to my family's history with the disease. she gave me a slip to take back to maxicare.
when i got there, this guy told me that the makati med breast clinic schedule is full. there's an open schedule for october 31st, but its at 3pm. i asked for a 4pm sched, but they're only open until 3pm. wtf. but i have work that day. i asked to be sched for october 29th instead, but its a holiday - i'm told. damn. so i was scheduled for november 5th at 2.30 pm since the morning shedule is full as well. double damn.
i haven't told my family yet. i plan to tell my sister, my brother and my cousin. sincemy cousin works as a nurse in makati med, it would be awkward inventing a reason if i bump into her there. so might as well tell. i'll wait until i have the ultrasound result before i let the rest of the familia in on the secret. no need to give thm a heart attack before i know for sure.
if it's possible to die from too much anticipation, i'm sure i'd be dead by november 5. geez, then that would save me from having to go through the ultrasound and this waiting.
waiting is such a bitch....
Saturday, October 20, 2007
mood: somber
or maybe to sympathize with me. i've been trying to login to thestone since this morning. no error message. it just wont accept my logins. are they shutting it down now? i hope not. i get antsy about unfinished business and i hope they don't shut the site down until i get to answer all the darn puzzles. but that is wishful thinking on my part. crap i still have 75 puzzles to go and one i'm close to cracking. plus 74 others that make me bang my head on the nearest object and question my sanity.
after that happened in glorietta 2, for the mean time no more trips to the mall. watching the news last night made my skin crawl. it's so unreal. it's one of the places i frequent with my siblings. thank God we weren't there. if it was probably a weekend, we would've been in trouble.
the stories i heard from my co workers whose loved ones experienced the terror of being at the wrong place at the wrong time is enough to keep me awake at night. all those body parts separated from their owners, my God. i'd be so traumatize for life if encounter a leg detached from it's owner.
my cousin who's a nurse at makati med relayed stories that would forever hunt my dreams. we are just so grateful we weren't there when it happened. at last year's bombing of a bus near the mrt and sm, my sister and i were at glorietta at that time calling my mom from a payphone. listening to the stories brought out the images of people stampeding towards every exit.
The best defense against the atom bomb is not to be there when it goes off. - Anonymous
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Inday Nosebleed Jokes (Compilation): 2nd edition
this is for all the inday followers. laugh till you drop...
1. "Whoever is spreading the malicious news of my supposed death is really out of his/her mind. It is a hoax! I am right here, alive and kicking. I am here to stay longer!" - Sagot ni INDAY sa balitang patay na siya
2. "Minekanikow ni Monico eng mekina neng menikow ni Monica."
"Peskow, peksew, Peskow, peksew."
"Booteke, betooka, booteeka, booteke, betooka, booteeka."
"Damn! I can't deliver the Filipino tongue twisters!"
- Si INDAY, nagsasanay ng tongue twisters
3. "It is in mistakes that we learn how to grow to be better individuals. You may judge me for what you perceive but it is not my mistake that determines who I am, rather, it is what I do to make things right." - Sagot ni INDAY sa amo nya nang makabasag siya ng pinggan
4. JEEPNEY DRIVER: Hoy! Bakit P6 lang ang ibinayad mo? P7 na ang pamasahe ngayon!
INDAY: I am currently enrolled in a two-year vocational course in an academic institution. Therefore, I am a student, and by this fact, I am entitled to have the inalienable right to avail of a certain discount on my jeepney fare. This is why I provided a payment less than what you expected because that is according to the law, as stated in the fare matrix.
5. Much as I would want to induldge in the proliferation of such indecent and malicious information, I want to life the stigma and alleviate scoeity's perception of our profession...We're not here to thrive on rumor but rather, we should engage in objective and top-of-the-line service to our designated employers." - Inday tumangging nakipagtsismisan sa katulong sa kabilang bahay. Professionalism at its best!
6. "We need to give due respect and the presumption of regularity to the verdict laid down against the former president. But guilty or not guilty, he will still be loved by people like me, people belonging to the masses." - Iyan ang sagot ni INDAY sa interbyu ng CNN sa kanya tungkol sa hatol kay ERAP
7. "Moisturizing my lips is really an essential part of my beauty routine because spending long hours under bright lights dries them out." - Iyan ang emote ni INDAY sa salamin habang ginagamit ang imported na lipstick ng amo.
8. "Be shame of your speaking. Did you think that your English grammary are corrected by? It's better to keep your mouth shock! Connect me if I'm wrong!" - Babala ni MELANIE MARQUEZ kay INDAY.
9. I'm not extremely good-looking but I have a sense of humor. I'm not breathtakingly intelligent but I'm relatively witty. I'm not insanely rich but I'm fairly kind. I'm just a simple guy with a crazy elusive ambition of meeting your acquiantance. So, hi!" - Si DODONG, nakikipag-txtm8 kay INDAY
10. P500 = Globe plan subscription
P1,800 = glutathione tablet
P600 = Olay Total Effects
P1,500 = Crocs flip flops
P2,000 = for Mama
- Bina-budget ni INDAY ang suweldo niya
11. Amo: Inday, bakit mo ibinenta 'yung sirang silya?
Inday: I have computed the chair's fair value less cost to sell, and the value in use using a five-year projection and a pre-tax discount rate. Accordingly, the value in use is lower, so I decided to sell the chair. This is in accordance with PAS 18 on Revenue, PAS 16 on Property, Plant and Equipment, and PAS 36 on Impairment of Assets.
AMO: (hindi naka-react)
12. Dear sir/madam,
Attached herewith is a list of proposed acquisition in line with my proposal to upgrade your household facilities. I have already made initial survey of current market prices. Note however that prices could vary depending on the prevailing exchange rate and aggregate supply and demand which we also monitor on an hourly basis. - Si Inday, nagpapaalam mamalengke (economist pala si Inday)
Inday is alive! She's not yet dead. SOCO found out that the impostora of Inday was killed. Ederlyn (Inday's kapitbahay) was the mastermind.
SOCO: Bakit mo ipinapatay si Inday?
EDERLYN: Kasi, inagaw niya sa akin si Dodong!
INDAY: Mythemaniac! He was never yours!
EDERLYN: Dong, mahal kita! Di ba, mahal mo rin ako?
DODONG: I never said that I love you!
14. "How do I stop falling for someone? How do I defy the pull of gravity? Can I just flee? Flee before I hit the ground and suffer the pain? And tell myself: Why do I choose to fall in the first place when I know from the start that someone is never gonna be there to catch me anyway?" - Tanong ni INDAY sa sarili niya nang ma-in love siya sa amo niya.
15. Finding a perfect love? There is no perfect love. The only thing you can do to make it somehow perfect is to be satisfied!" - Paboritong quotation ni INDAY, bow!
16. Sa restaurant:
Waiter: Ano po ang order nila, ma'am?
Amo: 'Yung fried chicken meal na lang. Ikaw, Inday, anong sa 'yo?
Inday: I would like to partake of a dish of sauteed pork and chicken boiled in thick essence of fermented soy and cane extracts, with copious amounts of garlic, onions and basil, sprinkled with fine spices and served with a generous helping of root crop and fragrant jasmine rice.
Waiter: (natigalgal)
Amo: Iho, adobo with rice daw.
17: Morons! I was never raised by my mom to be a coquette! I'm nurtured with such dignity, respect and morality! Even poverty can't make me do such scandalous act! Sexy is from within. I don't rely on aesthetic products and on skimpy and scantily clad outfits. So pathetic!" - Banat ni INDAY nang alukin siyang mag-pose sa FHM.
18. GREAT NEWS!!! Want to receive daily updates straight from your favorite househelp INDAY? Now you can! Just text FANATXT
19. Never assure that love is enough to make someone stay or come back to you because when pain strikes the heart, love fades away no matter how great it was." - Sabi ni INDAY kay DODONG nang magdesisyon siyang makipag-break dahil nagkita niyang magkausap sina DODONG at EDERLYN.
20. "Aoy alimin mo ahit inyi bayid. Aamiyin o inyan aoy manyid. Tana ay iong nanyinyinik, chayong nyaap aoy nyanyanyamik." - Si PABLING, ngongong manliligaw ni Inday, kinakanta ang Alipin
21. Katxt ni INDAY si PACMAN:
Inday: Eow Manny.
Pacman: Ho u? Wir ded u got my #?
Inday: Dis is Inday, im one of ur fans.
Pacman: Uh rile? Im hape 2 her dat.
Inday: Yeah, I juz want 2 wish u gud luck in ur upcoming bout wd Barrera.
Pacman: Tink u viry much. Pls pray dat I wen des fyt.
Inday: Yes, ill pray 4 ur victory. Rgardz 2 Ara, esteJOKE lang!
Pacman: Kaw ha, pelya ka!
- Ang bigat ni Inday, kabiruan na si Pacman!
22. "I tried my best to wait for you. I've shouted, but you didn't come out. You didn't even respond. Now you want me to go back?" - Sabi ng MAGTATAHO kay Inday!
23. "Beri-beri, a Singhalese word which means 'weakness,' is a disease that caused death, particularly among prisoners and sailors. It is a disease caused by a deficiency in Vitamin B1." - Reaksyon ni INDAY nang malamang ikukulong si Erap.
24. "If the radius of the circle is 8 inches, and if we are going to divide it to 8 equal parts, the arc length should be 2 inches, neither 1 nor whatsoever. It is so disgusting that there are no equality among division of parts whereas complementary to what am I saying about. This matter is not indispensable, on a part that it should be diminished accordingly for future's sake." - INDAY, nag-e-emote! Mas malaki kasi ang pizza slice na ibinigay kay EDERLYN nang ininterbyu sila sa Oprah Show (Naks! International na!)
25. To make it stand, you wet it! To make it wet, you suck it! To make it stiff, you lick it! To get it in, you push it!" Damn! Ang hirap maglagay ng sinulid sa karayom! 'Kainis!" - Si INDAY, tinuturuang manahi si SIR. Flirty-flirty si Inday, huh?!
26. "A Peeping Tom like you has no place in this society. Although I admit that I have a beautiful body, you have no right, nor privilege to feast on it without my knowledge. Such a Satanic act must be stopped immediately. I condemn what you did and I have no other recourse but to bring this matter to Sir and Ma'am for proper action." - Sabi ni INDAY sa HARDINERO na nahuli niyang sinisilipan siya habang naliligo
27. "I will be out of the country starting tomorrow until September 30 for an overseas engagement. It would be appreciated if you would refrain from sending forwarded messages 'till I come back since I am on roaming and it costs Php10.00/msg received by the overseas network. Thanks." - Txt ni INDAY kina DODONG at MANANG noong isinama siya ng amo niya sa Madrid, EspaƱa
28. "Please pray for the quick recovery of INDAY! She's currently in the ICU because of excessive nose bleeding which she had while accompanying Junior in his school's LINGGO NG WIKA celebration." - Please pass this to all whose lives, like mine, have been touched by Inday
29. "The privilege of loving is something that needs to be cherished. There will come a time that your love won't be reciprocated. but who cares? What matter is that you experienced the most magnificent feeling ever intended for humans." - Inday binasted ni badong. Di sya bitter ng lagay nyang to.
30. "A change in the weather patterns might have occurred causing havoc to affected surroundings...the way debris are scattered indicated that the gust of wind is going northeast...causing damage to the path it is going." - Sagot in inday samin nung tanungin kung bakit nagkalat ang basura sa likod ng bahay
31. Physical stress and excessive work may result to serious damage to one's body. It is therefore essential we take a break from our usual routine to replenish our energy. - Sagot ni Inday sa amo nya ng ayaw siyang payagang mag day off
32. "There are tulips in the street, there are tulips in the park, but nothing compares to our two lips meeting in the dark." - Pamatay lines ni Estong kay Inday!
33. "Off you go! Under no circumstance this house would relent to such unabashed display of vagrant destitution!" - Si Inday pinapaalis ang makulit na pulubi sa gate.
34. To STOP receiving INDAY messages, text INDAY (space) OFF and send to 2366." - Inday (bwelta ni Inday sa mga kumakalat na messages nya!)
35. "I pity you for you have degraded your very own pride and dignity by resorting to this despicable behavior just for money. "I hope that one day you will realize that you should not use people as means to your ends. As what the great philosopher Kant uttered, 'Treat a man as an end in himself.'" Sabi ni INDAY sa holdaper na nanghoholdap sa kanya.
Ang sagot ng HOLDAPER, "Shut up coz if you don't, the bullet in this gun will rest upon your empty head!"
36. "I was shot by a 9mm bullet at the head damaging my entire stupid brain and my fucking skull so that i will die and stop speaking english preventing people from nosebleeding!" - in loving memory of Inday (ayan patay na sya! Sa wakas tapos na ang mga kahibangan!)
37. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. But...I also believe that God has given me an eternal life, that through Him I resurrect and come back to life, finish my business especially with people who are quoting me and have spread everything that I say as if I am a celebrity. And oh, to reunite with my beloved Ederlyn, wherever she is."
The world is round; it has no point. - Adrienne E. Gusoff
Saturday, October 6, 2007
"I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno
Bruno's universe had no center. "In the Universe," he wrote, "no center and no circumference exist, but the center is everywhere . . ."
Elaborating upon this point he remarked: As to us on Earth, the Earth seems to be the center of the Universe, so to inhabitants of the Moon, the Moon will appear as such ... Each world has its center, each its up and down; these differences are to be assigned relatively . . .
Because of such belief, Bruno was declared a heretic, handed over to secular authorities on February 8, 1600. At his trial he listened to the verdict on his knees, then stood up and said: "Perhaps you, my judges, pronounce this sentence against me with greater fear than I receive it."
He was burned at the stake, naked, with is tongue gagged (ughhh...that's mighty painful).
poor man...
nonsense? depends on whether you're on the same boat as i am. d@mmit! i am stoned out of my friggin' mind. i'm stumped again...arggghhh... i hate being back in the land of arggghhhnesss!!
i've had all i can take about copernicus, galileo and the heliocentric theory. i don't remember doing so much research on this even in highschool. soo many closes and noooo cigar. i'm not even done with puzzle i've privately labeled mothman, spiderman and green goblin. it's the only way i know of describing it. i got 2 clevers - 1 of which is the taunt which references a previous solved puzzle. just thinking about this puzzle makes my head hurt. all those alien thingies, ufo's, icky looking insects, moths and spiders are driving me bananas! i want to hold on to the chickenjoy i ate for lunch. i just don't see any common denominator that leads me to a close. the mother of all frustrations. at the rate i'm going, i have more chances of being abducted by aliens than solving this! and then there's the creepy puzzle (i refuse to listen to another ghost recording! i hope this doesn't bite me in the butt. but i've had enough listening to ghosts). somebody save me....
i need a noogie, a nudgie, a good nudge, a good whack in the head... anything to jolt my frozen brain cells into a working frenzy....
coffee.... i need coffee!
posted by ... from the land of arggghhhnesss. please burn after reading!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Dance is the hidden language of the soul. - Martha Graham
because i was reminded of my mom today, i recalled the dream my aunt told me about when i went home to naga 2 weeks ago.
she said that she had a dream of my mother, dancing by the pool. my mom has always been in pain because of her illness, so she was perplexed to see her dancing about. so she said, " i thought you're sick." my mom replied, "i'm feeling much better now." and she continued to dance by the pool.
hen xiang ni mama
Dance like no one is looking. Love like you've never been hurt. - anonymous
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
end of thestone age

i really hate the puzzles i'm stuck on right now. if i have to listen to another ghost recording i'm gonna scream. i wish somebody would just give me the answer for that puzzle. too many closes and no cigar.
Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it. - Russell Baker
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
for psyche dahil nag comment ka
Can love really last a last time?
Absolutely – but only if you chuck the fairytale of living happily ever after. A team of scientists recently found that romantic love involves chemical changes in the brain that last 12 to 18 months. After that, you and your partner are on your own.
Relationships require maintenance. Meaning, it's both your choice.
Bottom line: IT WILL LAST, if you know how to commit.
Source: Reader's Digest May 2006
a friend of mine sent this via sms. but you can read the rest here
love and be lovable psyche =)