it's only the start of the week and i've had two upsets already. like january, my february seemed to have started on the wrong foot.
first, i just had to have the luck of boarding a taxi where the driver talked my ears off from libertad to ayala. i was still sleepy but he woke me up better than coffee did. i couldn't wait to get out of the car. he was selling cellphone holders. thinking he would shut up after i agreed to buy one, boy was i wrong. he discussed warranty and the shows he's been featured in until we arrived at my destination.

second upset: giants 17, patriots 14
another Manning with the vince lombardi trophy. when his brother won with the colts last year, there were some speculations whether he could deliver a superbowl win to the giants just like what his brother did to the colts. now we know because this year, eli manning is mvp of superbowl XLII and the giants took the vince lombardi trophy home.
his brother won the superbowl XLI mvp last year with the colts. i was rooting for the Patriots this year but now i know i should never root for quarterbacks with blond girlfriends =) or underestimate a team with a manning for a quarterback. they just ended the pat's 18 game winning streak. amazing.
jessica simpson was blamed when the cowboys didn't make the play offs, so do we blame giselle bundchen for this? =)
on the upside, i finally nailed my 153rd and my 154th stone puzzle today. at last something to cheer me up this week. this 153rd puzzle has been stting on my plate for a week now and by the time i got to the answer page, i had a serious case of hypothermia and my ears were about to fall off from severe frostbite. but the 154th puzzle was a scorcher, nailed the answer in a couple of hours. now i can feel my fingers and my toes again.
the blondes did it. - sabi ko lang
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