i'm not sure how i could sleep from last night's excitement, most probably with a big grin on my face. it was a rockin' PS year-ender Christmas party:Fashion Fusion... it was a BLAST that i think i am still over the moon and chasing stars. so VERRRRY different from last year's which was so-so (read: dismal). but they redeemed themselves this year. the party was great save for the last part when some idjit made an agaw eksena (whoever you are dude, do us all a favor: go to you-know-where and plant kamote ok!)
the party began with a dance number by some of those who participated in the PS cheer dance. psyche and kikokix were part of the group. tsok did his firedance thing. i don't know how he managed it without being burned by those flames.
but i think i began to lose my voice when ely buendia and the rest of pupil went on stage. i was at the front row with my team mates (of course where else would we be?) they sang songs from the e-head days and some songs by teeth (one of their members used to be a part of teeth) and some from their new album. my voice got hoarse from singing along with them. actually it was more like shouting. i couldn't even hear myself so i don't even know why i bothered singing. but sing and scream my lungs out i did especially to the song pare ko, prinsesa, alapaap and laklak (haha of all songs!) i think we had great fun singing pare ko with pupil and not just because everyone was waiting to sing this part "t*** i** nag mukha akong tanga!" since profanity is not allowed on the floor, it was nice venting out, really. ely sang that song originally with the e-heads and i can't believe i am watching him sing it LIVE! oh heavens... the guy who was wearing black did most of the talking for pupil. he asked the crowd whether there are people here who should be manning the shift and of course i replied hell yeah... i'm suppose to be working but here I am. i heard later that he's yael's brother...he is romeo on the gemini vid.
laklak was their last song and they dedicated it to those who were planning to get drunk. but i wasn't, just on ice tea but i don't think that even counts. i still have to go back to to JG for my shift! (which had already started at 8.30pm!) pero goodluck naman at anong petsa na ako nakarating?! (read: 1.26 am). sorry for the exclamation marks but they were necessary as i have never been late for work because i was partying late or make that 'til early morning. i'd say it's an improvement (-> Hala! ano daw?) since i am often late because i overslept. so this is my first time playing truant and i got a little carried away in my excitement thus the exclamations. however, i'm not too excited at the prospect of getting a warning from my supe.
normally i stay away from crowded places since i get dizzy when i'm surrounded by lots of warm sweaty smelly bodies. there seems to be a shortage of oxygen but lots of carbon dioxide not to mention an oversupply of loud drunk people. but last night, i forgot. heck i was even at the front row!
it was a great set. i wished they'd never leave but of course it was a christmas party and not a pupil concert. but it was such a great trip down memory lane. i felt like i was in highschool again. ely buendia looks good, too good to eat (**wink**wink**). honestly, i thought guys from rock bands are kind of almost always uh... "unkempt." well i know they take a bath but you get the idea. anyway ely looks pretty neat with his loose tie and white shirt. heck i'm not even sure how he spells his name is it with a "y" or an "i." whatever... sorry... but they were Fabulous!
the food was definitely better than last year's. although it was too bad i didn't get to eat that much because i was busy paying attention to the bands on the stage than to the chicken cordon bleu and puttanesca and the rest of the menu. i heard they even have a vegetarian buffett? i love animals but i am not vegan. i never found out where that buffett table is but no love lost there for me.
of course the most awaited band was no other than sponge cola. they're the reason i was late. i decided at the onset that i am not going back to JG until i get to see yael yuzon and the rest of the spongees... haha! and did i get my wish! i had to drag pia out of her chair as soon as the emcees started the introduction. he was wearing a shirt that says "what would mcgyver do?" and what an eye candy he was! and very nice and accommodating too! ***sigh*** i swear everyone had stars in their eyes. i was busy staring i even forgot to sing along with them.
but what caught my eye though was the guitarist who was wearing wings and a white shirt that says Paris in gold letters. with his shoulder length hair and his wings he reminds me of archangels. i sure as hell wouldn't be praying for deliverance if i were praying to him. haha! instead i'd be praying for all the things i shouldn't be praying for =_)
this guy, i never once saw him glance at the audience. i think i stared at him more often than yael because he wouldn't look at the audience's direction. he would avert his eyes or look down or just turn sideways or give us his back. he would only look at his fellow bandmates, his electric guitar and nothing else. while yael was all smiles and uber nice, he was the opposite. it's like we weren't even there. like it was just him, his guitar and his friends. he would close his eyes as he strums and plucks and all i could think of was... oh man i want to be That guitar! haha!
i really wish i'd seen his eyes though. he never smiled but he might have a dimple. now what the heck am i saying? i am starting to imagine things. he just made me so curious. i don't think i've ever been curious about any other human being save for the topics of the puzzles i solve for thestone. and those homosapiens are mostly uhm..dust now.
the contrast made by his white wings and his
i-don't-give-a-d@mn-about-you attitude was so arresting i was paying more attention to him than to yael. now that is something. it must be those wings that did it. so i told pia (over the loud noise) i'd take this guy over eli buendia and yael yuzon anytime haha! the suplado with the angel wings...and i don't even know his name! what an aberration...
now i must go home, get some sleep and if i'm lucky:
dream of angels...
wearing white shirts
that say Paris
in gold.
going over what i have written, sounds like the rumblings of an incoherent drunk. but since i plead guilty to only drinking water and ice tea, they're not it. the culprit? i think i may have inhaled more than the usual amount of frozen carbon dioxide due to my proximity to the stage.
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