Friday, August 31, 2007

i go to sleep with a promise to wake up early. go to work early...for once.
but well, like they say... the road to hell is paved with good intentions. and the hell it is.

i wake up not wanting to open my eyes. soo tired and feeling lazier than i've ever been in god knows how long. feeling i don't want to do this anymore. should not even be doing this anymore. not understanding what in the world made me retract. next time i should just shoot myself in the foot.

it's just not worth it anymore.

but then the doubts. (like i said i should've shoot myself). me and my indecision. why didn't i stick to my first decision. even playing the stone is not worth all this trouble right? right... (bang...just shot my pinky i think.)

ok i miss. good thing i'm such a terrible shot...crap why do i have to be responsible for everyone. i want to be bad for once. maybe if i fail then i wouldn't burden me with all these things. i wish everyone would just get off my back for once. leave me alone. i just want to grieve ok...ever heard of it. grief. therefore grieve. leave me alone.

What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive? - Irv Kupcinet

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