by next week i'll be having a new work schedule. i'm not sure if its a boon or a curse. all i know is it means i can sleep until lunch time and still have enough time to go to work. but it also means that by the time i go home, it would be too late to ring anyone much less watch tv. no weekends off either, which is a bummer.
but at least i'll be able to squeeze an appointment with my doctor. it seems she only works in the morning. hmm, that doesn't perk me up.
i'm feeling restless again. i'm in one of those flight modes that says " i want to get out of here!"
...but then i have no idea where to go.
i did say waiting is such a bitch.
and it looks like i would even have to wait longer. my ultrasound results were released last november 9. it was picked up by my doctor's secretary and she did not even tell me. i went to makati med's breast clinic last monday and waited for more than 2 hours just to be told that. by the time they finally managed to trace where my results went, it was too late to schedule another appointment with my doctor because she went home early. duh!
i don't understand why they don't save these information on their computer. if it was, it would've made searching easier - just a click away. for such a big hospital, they can't manage to store these things on their computers. they need a better IT consultant.
i'm glad i'm done with my breast sonogram, i overheard one of the attendants say they're booked solid until december 17. unbelievable. if i ever need one next time, i'll have it done in naga.
i had mine last november 5 before i went home to visit my mother. it was kind of weird. they put a gel on this thing they put over my breast and you can see these weird lines on the monitor which i assume were my breast muscles or tissues. funny, there doesn't seem to be a lot.
but seriously i was nervous as hell. the gel was cold and every time the lady doc stops as if she's taking a picture of something, i can feel my heart skip a beat. 1.25cm what the hell is that. so i stop looking and just sang a long with hugh grant and whoever was singing along with him; their song was blaring across the speakers. neat.
i now wished i asked if i have "you know." but i was a little spooked then. now i'm more than a little spooked. thinking about it makes my stomach roll and all it's content seem to be on zero gravity.
speaking of gravity, while i stayed in my aunts house i discovered danny forster of extreme engineering. he is such a geek. but a cute geek. i watched the episode he made about roller coasters. it was amazing. now i know why coasters don't fall down while it's traversing the loop and what makes it go round the loop. mathematics, physics... yeah all those yucky stuff that riding it would be so much easier that trying to comprehend all the computations that explain how your coaster goes through all those twists and turns and loops.
he went to the Griffon's construction site in virginia while they were still building it. the guys on the site made fun of the host's fit designer jeans. what a very becky moment. danny couldn't think of a retort. that really cracked me up. and it's amazing how a massive steel coaster like that is supported by what, 53 A-beams or whatever? anyway, i don't think my stomach is up for that kind of ride - 205 foot 90° drop. there goes my lunch. what can i say, i'm not that brave.

if you want an old school roller coaster ride, there's the wooden roller coaster. for that he went to the construction site of the Renegade in Minnesota. compared to a steel coaster like the griffon this one has thousands of wooden support to keep it steady. but wooden coasters shakes like crazy when you ride them. to find out why, you have got to watch the episodes at discovery channel.

since these two roller coasters were still under construction, he couldn't ride them. so he went to florida to ride a steel coaster and a wooden coaster (gwazi) in the busch gardens. another discovery you'll make, he screams like a girl. haha!
but between riding these roller coasters and being a passenger of my cousin's driving, i'd take these roller coasters anytime.
He who hesitates is sometimes saved. - James Thurber
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