Tuesday, November 20, 2007

i don't think luck has anything to do with it

i finally had my sonomammography results explained to me 15 days after my ultrasound. last night i even dreamt about it. in my dreams i have a cyst on the underside of my left breast. that creeps me out. the first thing i did after i woke up was feel it. nothing there. whew. but the lump at 1 o'clock is there. i've had it for some time. no biggie. really. because if there's one on the underside that would make it two on my left. i was told that most breast cancers occur on the left. my mom's cancer was on the left and it was (almost) under her arms that is why we never noticed it until she told us because it was mostly hidden. now you have something to look out for.

my results said:

Assessment slash Recommendation:


Distinct hypoechoic masses with suggestively benign (encircled by my doctor in blue) sonographic features, bilateral. Short-term follow-up by sonography ater 6 months suggested to monitor stability. Simple cyst, left.

According to the footnote on the results BIRADS category 3 means: Probably Benign Finding; Short Interval Follow Up Suggested.

the probably there gives me the heebie jeebies but my doctor says that they don't operate on them unless they are bigger than 20mm. it makes me happy that i don't have to go under the knife but it's unnerving to know that i'd be living with "distinct hypoechoic masses at 1 o'clock position(left) and at 3 & 4 o'clock positions (right) ranging from 3.6mm to 12.6mm."

the biggest is on my right at 4 o'clock. they could not be certain whether these are solid or cystic in nature due to lack of distinguishing characteristics. but i remember how i came to notice this lump on my right. i felt a little pain there after wearing bra with wires all day. upon checking it out i found the lump. i stopped wearing bras with wires after that. i don't have any illusions on living longer but why tempt the divil, roight?

the second biggest is on my left at 1 o'clock at 6.8mm. that one i've had it for some time. even before my mom notice hers. it's the only one noted as simple cyst. walls are distinct with no evident irregularity or solid component.

overall diagnosis - No features suspicious for malignancy seen.

i guess that means that i get to live a little longer. small reprieve.

yeah big deal.

let's see what happens in may for my next check up.

and if you're wondering why not a mammogram?

*Patients ages 25 years old and below are not subjected to mammography due to sensitivity of breast tissues to radiation and low incidence of breast cancer in these age groups.

"That's the secret to life... replace one worry with another.... "-
Charles Schultz

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