Thursday, August 21, 2008

i got tagged

recently by pia and i think i remember another tag a long long time ago by jade. never got around to it until now so here it is. i am tagging my blogger friends especially the sunday conspiracy group. =_)

- each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
- bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
- at the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
- don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.


0. i am a stone addict (180/218) . i ♥ thestone (intro: amy winehouse with rehab).
1. i have a foot fetish. (so imagine my grief when i stubbed my toe and the lower half of my toenail ugh... died. if stairs were a living, breathing thing, it would be screaming bloody murder or it wouldn't because i would have killed it by then).
2. a few days from now i'll be able to say, "i used to work for a webhosting company." (haha!) i will be officially unemployed in a few days. yes, i'm gonna be a bum! goodbye sunday conspiracy,
3. i ♥ black. i wear a lot of black. half of my wardrobe is black. i hate red.
4. i have an illusion i'm 5'3" but my cousin likes to point out i'm 5'1" (liar, inggitero!)
5. i'm an aries and i use it to explain why i "charge now and think later." (double pun intended).
6. i like to eat... a lot. just ask my frequent eating companions jade, jamie, gwen, and zai.
7. i studied mandarin for years but i'm still terrible at it.
8. i ♥ michael phelps and david beckham (although i can't swim or play football).
9. i am a compulsive book buyer. i spent more than 15 grand on books on one year alone (blechhh!) on the upside (?) hello powercard plus.
10. i like to tease pia until she gets pikon (hahaha! special mention at filler na din).

1. jade
2. love
3. gwen
4. eva
5. kek
6. popin
7. joewhatnow
8. jayvee
9. jc
10. jamie

Procrastination isn't the problem, it's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off.
- Ellen Degeneres

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