Sunday, April 29, 2007

...good news ...and...bad news...

i forgot to mention my mom has a new wheelchair. whoopee! no thanks to me but thanks to mrs. milla. i don't know how she heard but so very very very grateful to her considering how my siblings and i have considered getting mom one. that's one less thing off our list.

i haven't seen my mom for a month now. the doctor said we should bring her to the hospital if her hemoglobin count does not improve this may. she's going to get a blood transfusion. my brother is the donor. i don't know what my blood type is. i hate blood.

speaking of which, i might and might not go under the knife. i've yet to get a mammogram. found two lumps. it's small. i was told i need a referral from our health care provider. i've been putting this off for some time. i just don't feel like dealing with it...yet.

after what my entire family went through with my mom, i don't feel like putting them through another roller coaster. it might just be nothing. i haven't told my parents about the second lump yet. no one knows except my sister and my cousin. but that may changed after this. news like this travel like fire. hopefully none of them goes online and reads this anytime soon. but my family is now predisposed to have a collective a panic attack at news like this. since both sides have terrible histories of this disease, i have to deal with it...soon.


i will...maybe on monday

In heaven all the interesting people are missing.
Friedrich Nietzsche

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